Talk about re-hashing material. This is stuff we’ve all seen before from the guy that claims to have invented LOOPS. Which he did not. You’ll get some decent routines if you buy this. We also have TIES by Penguin Magic available – Click here.
What You’ll Get:
- A so-so 90-minute tutorial
- One pack of 8 Loops & includes Original 20-minute LOOPS tutorial
- INNERCIRCLE CARD – A patented carrying case for Loops
- Comes with a Bonus PDF of the Original Animated Miracles booklet of Loops top secrets and clear illustrations
Additional Material Includes:
- Loops management pro tips
- Lighting condition dos and don’ts
- Worry-free solutions if Loops break during performances
- Biggest mistakes performers make and how to avoid them
The power to bend reality and blow minds is in your hands!
In total, you’ll receive 18 tricks and just under two hours of priceless Loops secrets.