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El Hilo (Gypsy Thread) by Javi Benitez




This is the BEST CLOSE UP VERSION of the Gypsy Thread in Magic -Brent Geris

This Video STREAM, Javi Benítez shares with the magic world one of his most precious pieces, his Gypsy Thread award winning routine, for the first time in English!

over 40 minutes long of IN DEPTH explanations on his award winning Torn and Restored Thread, El Hilo!!

This includes the thread and the “finale” gimmicks to make the thread vanish completely!

 “El Hilo” has been the fundamental part of his first-prize-winning act at several Spanish national competitions. It is completely baffling and beautiful.

It´s one of those moments of beautiful magic.”Juan Tamariz

“I saw this many times. I still do not know how it works. Shoot Ogawa

I was fooled eight times!” Dani DaOrtiz

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