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Perfect Sense by Cosmo Solari and T11


SKU: Perfect Cents Categories: , , ,


This is better cleaner and cheaper than the knock off version by Gregory Wilson!


You ask someone to name a number: up to 100. You immediately show your hands empty and reach into your pocket.


Everything is pulled out and every coin is placed into their hands.


Your pocket is shown to be empty – it’s that fair. They slowly count the coins to find the number they named is the EXACT amount of change in your pocket. To the penny.


A perfect match every time.


Developed over 10 years by Cosmo Solano Perfect Cents gives you the ability to make a perfect prediction using virtually ANY currency. The amount they name is the exact amount pulled from your pocket: there are no awkward movements whatsoever. In the simple motion of going into your pocket you have the exact amount of change. A perfect pocket-sized miracle.


You won’t leave home without it.


Perfect Cents comes with a precisely engineered custom-made gimmick that resets in seconds. Unlike other systems out there the gimmick works with coins from ANY currency. Also included is 27 minutes of expert instruction with the creator himself Cosmo Solano. Everything you need to know is covered so you can start practicing and performing immediately. In stock and ready to ship.

Additional information

Weight 0.000 lbs
Dimensions 8.00 × 4.00 × 4.00 in